
The Return of Coal Trading

Return of Coal Trading and its Risks Coal is one of the oldest and most prominent sources of energy on the earth’s surface. Coal trading can be traced back as early as the Roman and Aztec Empire. With the industrial revolution and invention of the steam engine, coal became widely used for electricity due to [...]

2023-02-14T14:21:19+01:00August 5th, 2022|Knowledge Series|

The Evolution of Commodity Trading

Commodity Trading: An Evolution Commodity trading has come a long way since its earliest origins. The trading of goods has been around for centuries, but it wasn't until the advent of modern transportation and communication that commodity trading as we know it today emerged. Commodity trading is crucial for everyone as it affects our daily [...]

2023-02-11T12:59:52+01:00July 4th, 2022|Knowledge Series|